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Month: April 2017

Kickball and Potluck – THIS Saturday!

Hi MESA Members,

Hopefully you are planning to attend the biannual MESA Kickball game and cookout THIS Saturday, April 29, from 10:00am to 1:00pm.  MESA will be providing the burgers, hot dogs, condiments and drinks, and we invite you to show off your cooking skills by bringing your favorite dish to share. The potluck and playing part are totally optional, so if you prefer to show off your shopping skills, or simply grace us with your presence and cheer or watch instead of play, that is perfectly fine too.

Please RSVP by Wednesday 4/26 by using the following link:

Your response is greatly appreciated, as it will really help us to plan to have enough food and drinks for everyone but you can still show up if you do not RSVP!  The game will be at the UGA Intramural Field #3 and the cookout will be at the Family Housing Community Room. Please feel free to bring your family and friends to this fun event!

Kindest regards,
