Wednesday, September 29th 10:00 am – 11:00 am Via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/7821020525
We’re excited to welcome Dr. Kristen Bieda for our colloquium this month. Dr. Bieda is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Mathematics Education at Michigan State University. She also serves as the Associate Director of Mathematics for the CREATE for STEM Institute. Dr. Bieda’s research interests primarily focus on issues of engaging middle and high school students in meaningful mathematical practices. Her recent funded research has involved designing and investigating a digital curriculum platform for promoting productive disciplinary engagement in middle school classrooms, as well as the design of early clinical experiences that supporting secondary pre-service teachers in adopting ambitious teaching practices.
In this talk, Dr. Bieda will explore the question of “How much uncertainty should noviceteachers grapple with?” This question has become central in her work on an NSF-funded project with fellow PIs Dr. Michelle Cirillo (University of Delaware) and Dr. Fran Arbaugh (the Pennsylvania State University) that is investigating secondary teacher candidates’ learning as they engage in a mediated field experience in a College Algebra course.